於1998年由幾個同好一起組成的團體,當時台灣手工皂資訊仍相當缺乏,由美國友人引導下, 深深愛上手工皂天然環保與潤膚保濕的特性及各種手作的樂趣.突破傳統單調型體,成功將製模與製作技術進一步提升至3D立體造型,融合東西方美學文化的雕工技藝,將手工皂/蠟燭/擴香石等, 從生活用品走進裝飾藝術的領域,呈現出深具實用風格的視覺美感,並融入更多東方特色的天然原料素材,不斷創造出無限發展的可塑性。
egbhouse is...
...starting from brain storm.
…artists hand carved prototypes.
…Handmade finished products.
…high quality finished items.
We are proud to say, all items are handmade in Taiwan. We care about clients' concerning. To offer good quality products is our target. If you are a crafter, you will be happy with our silicone molds. They are in refined details. If you don't make your own items, you will be fond with our handmade items. Check our website to find them.
With its website launch in 1998, egbhouse has solidified its standing as the new essential luxury. Its pages are filled with exquisite finds for craft and home decor.